
California Integrated Service Delivery Evaluation Report: Phase I

In January 2010 the California Workforce Investment Board (CWIB) contracted with researchers at California State University, Northridge to evaluate the ―Integrated Service Delivery‖ (ISD) initiative. This initiative was designed to integrate the work of local Workforce Investment Act Programs with Wagner-Peyser programs inside California OneStops. At the time this study began 12 local WIA areas had joined the program and integrated their programs in the 2008-09 program year. The sites, which were called ―Learning Labs‖, were halfway through their second year of operation as ISD sites when our work began.1 Our evaluation project has two phases. In Phase I a formative evaluation of the program examines the implementation of ISD, and in Phase II a summative evaluation of the program will measure ISD‘s impact. This report provides the results of the formative evaluation which consisted of in-depth case studies of four ISD sites or Learning Labs.

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