
FamilySource Network: Impact Study Results Year 5, 2014-2015: services produced, people assisted, incomes/resources increased, educational achievements improved, and a modest stimulus to the LA economy

Funds for social programs have declined steadily in recent years, while the problems that confront social service providers have grown. Funds for the FamilySource Network have been cut over 30% during the five years studied in this report. This means every dollar must make a difference. Policymakers focus intensely on measuring the impact of government programs. Two recent books explore the progress and problems in measuring the impact of the social programs: Show Me the Evidence: Obama’s Fight for Rigor and Results in Social Policy by Ron Haskins and Greg Margolis of the Brookings Institute and Moneyball for Government by Jim Nussle and Peter Orszag. Both books conclude that effective measurement of program performance is possible and must be done if we expect policymakers and the public to support social programs in the future. The City of Los Angeles has been leader in measuring the impact of local programs. Over the last five years the City of Los Angeles has contracted with California State University Northridge to evaluate the impact of the FamilySource Program. This report presents the results of our analysis of the program's impact in the 2014-15 program year with comparisons to its performance over the previous four years. This report provides program operators, policy makers and the public with the information they need to assess the effectiveness of the FamilySource Program and to find ways to make it even more effective.

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