
Los Angeles WorkSource System Intercept Customer Satisfaction Survey Program Year 2015-2016

The City of Los Angeles’ Economic and Workforce Development Department contracted with California State University, Northridge to conduct customer satisfaction surveys of customers at 17 WorkSource Centers during the 2015-16 program year. This study is part of the larger Contractor Certification System, which includes an annual performance evaluation of all WorkSource Center contractors. This evaluation looks at the broad categories of customer satisfaction, outcomes, flow of customers, and administrative measures of performance. This report covers the 2014-15 and 2015-16 years. During this period, the WorkSource System adopted the Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) model, where the California Employment Development Department (EDD) employees are co-located in WorkSource Centers to work side-by-side with WorkSource staff who are, for the most part, the employees of local non-profits and operate WorkSource Centers under contract with the City of Los Angeles’s Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD). The model also involves enrolling all customers formally into the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program. In the past, the largest number of customers were the “universal access” customers who used the centers on a walk-in self-service basis and got minimum services from the staff, and were not formally enrolled in the program. We were interested to see if this significant change in strategy would lead to shifts in customer satisfaction with the services provided. This project measures customer satisfaction with the overall WorkSource system and each WorkSource center. Satisfaction data was collected on the following aspects of the program: • Overall satisfaction • Satisfaction with staff performance • Satisfaction with facilities • Satisfaction with center services We also collected data on customer demographics, reasons for using the center, and frequency of use of center services. In this report, we answer the following questions: 1. Overall, how satisfied are WorkSource Center customers? 2. How satisfied are WorkSource Center customers with different aspects of the services they received? 3. Are there differences in overall satisfaction between different subgroups of customers? 4. How do customers learn about WorkSource Centers and why do they come to the centers? 5. What are the characteristics of WorkSource Center customers? 6. How do WorkSource centers differ from each other on these measures?

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