
Los Angeles WorkSource System Intercept Customer Satisfaction Survey Program Year 2016-2017

The City of Los Angeles' Workforce Development Board (WDB) and Economic Workforce Development Department (EWDD) have long been committed to monitoring the performance of contractors who operate the City's WorkSource Centers. A key measure of WorkSource Center performance is customer satisfaction. The City has contracted with California State University, Northridge to conduct a series of customer satisfaction surveys with WorkSource Center customers across all 17 WorkSource Centers. This report presents the results of an 'intercept survey,' where every customer in a particular WorkSource Center is surveyed on a random day. The survey collects data on the overall satisfaction of customers, as well as on their satisfaction with staff performance, employment services, training, and facilities. This report presents results from the Fall and Spring of program years 2015-16 and 2016-17. During the period analyzed, the WorkSource System adopted the Integrated Service Delivery (ISD) Model, in which EDD employees and other partners' staff work side-by-side with WorkSource Center employees. The data gathered thus also provides insights into the effectiveness of the ISD model from the customers' perspective. Results show that WorkSource Centers have maintained a high level of customer satisfaction with an overall satisfaction average of 9.2 on a 10-point scale. Over 89% of survey participants indicated that they would recommend their WorkSource Center to someone like themselves. It is important to note that satisfaction varies substantially between centers and detailed results on individual centers are available in the report's appendix. Customers are most satisfied with employment services and the performance of center staff, indicating that the centers are doing a good job helping individuals find employment and that staff are perceived as respectful and helpful. There were minor variations in satisfaction among subgroups of customers based on demographics such as age, gender, and education, but overall the centers serve a diverse group of customers well. Again, we find substantial variation between individual centers. Results show that WorkSource Centers continue to rely on word-of-mouth and referrals from EDD and other partners to find their customers. While this report provides a clear overview of customer satisfaction in the WorkSource System, it also provides detailed data to the individual centers to help them conduct continuous improvement activities to move services to an even higher level.

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