
Secure Color Combinations of Stairs for Senior Citizens

This study aims to promote safety in using stairs in public places among an aging population. In this study, the author focuses on how tread and nosing (an edge of a tread) of each step on a staircase can be painted in colors of greater visibility for older adults who experience cataracts or age-related yellowing of the lens of their eyes. The author investigated the effects of ambient light on the color combination of stairs in public spaces where color guidelines strongly recommend color choices. Furthermore, the focus of this study is not on detecting the presence of stairs but instead perceiving where the stair steps are so that a person approaching the stairs does not take a wrong step. This study suggests that the color combination of Munsell Values 5YR6/2 for tread and 10R4/6 for nosing is the most visible color scheme for older adults in the stairs at Tamachi Station in any ambient light. The color scheme of Munsell Values 10YR2/2 for tread and 5Y9.5/10 for nosing is also a safe color combination, particularly in evening light on a cloudy day.

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